

Vasco, Luis, Zappa, Teresa and Pedro. Caxias, Portugal

“First day of real sun and a certain warmth of spring, Wednesday 22 April. We have been confined by March 13, at home, in Caxias, next to Lisbon. Me, since March 15 because I was shooting in Montevideo, still without virus, and I took the last plane to Spain, before the borders closed. My son Vasco, with his hat, had to leave home to go and live on his own with friends. Project postponed for now, until this quarantine lasts. The other son, Luís, fortunately had finished the exams at the university and was on vacation. Zappa, our dog, finds it normal that we are all at home. And Teresa, also confined, waits for freedom and to go back to work, drawing, drawing and drawing. And I, serenely, look forward to returning to film, with a smaller team, in conditions of safety yet to be defined. Maybe something will happen in late May. Another month, we hope the sun will last”.